Trip 956:  Ministry of the Holy Spirit

29 Apr

Book Cover



(As Events Occurred in Chronological Order)

Rix W. Tillman, D. Min.

Reading assignment:  __John 16:5-33

Focal verse(s):  John 16:33:  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.   In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world. ”

It seems that the disciples were more concerned over their own troubles than with the fact that Jesus was going to die!  Jesus told them that He would send the Comforter (Holy Spirit) after He returned to heaven.  The Holy Spirit would convict people of their sin and need of the Savior, without which they would die and go to eternal damnation.  Christ’s work of guiding people into the way of truth would be carried on by the Holy Spirit by giving them a hunger for the Word of God.  The main task of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to Christ.  The Holy Spirit is like the band director in a parade who marches along the side, letting the drum major (Jesus) take all the credit for leading the band.   Jesus told the disciples “A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you will see Me”, speaking of his death and resurrection and possibly also referring to His Second Coming, but they did not understand.  Jesus told the disciples that they would have sorrow, but it would only be for a short time and then they would be filled with joy.  This happened when Christ was resurrected, and again when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost.  When Christ comes again, all believers throughout history will be filled with joy!  Jesus told the disciples “In that day” (referring to the period after Pentecost) they would go directly to God the Father through prayer to make requests.  “That day” referred to the period we are presently in, which is between Pentecost and the Rapture.  As believers we have the privilege of praying “in Jesus’ name” with total confidence that our prayers will be answered if we pray in God’s will, which is what praying ”in Jesus’ name” means!  Jesus said that in a short time the disciples would be “scattered” and would leave Him alone, speaking of their denial and cowardice in the face of His arrest and trial.  Jesus told them to be happy because He had overcome the world, referring to His victory over Satan and sin on the cross!


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